Monday, July 15, 2013

Melon fruit Juice (Watermelon & Honeydew melon)..:)

It is good to drink melon juice these days because of the scorching heat that people have to endure. Making some watermelon juice is good as it cools the stomach and is simple to make it too. So go ahead and make this juice which is good and full of nutrients too.  For  melon juice  You don’t need a fancy  juicer just a blender. Scoop/cut the watermelon & Honeydew melon & put into the blender, blend for about 30/40 seconds, and then done. You have made melon juice.

Honeydew melons are an excellent source of vitamin C and a good source of potassium. Watermelon  is good for health also. It’s high in vitamin A, vitamin C and potassium. It’s about 92% water, so it’s plenty hydrating, too (nutrition-source).  

 My juice was perfectly sweet without any added sugar & my Little one too much liked this juice.Hope you all also like this melon juice recipe...:)


  1. 1/2 seedless watermelon (about 5 to 6 pounds), cut into cubes.
  2. 1/2 seedless Honeydew melon (about 3 to 4 pounds), cut into cubes.
  3. 1/4 lime juice.
  4.  Some Ice cubes.
  5. Sugar 2 tbspoon(optional) 

  1. Blend together in a blender the Melon cubes and the lemon juice until everything is well blended.This shouldn’t take more than a minute.
  2. Add the sugar if you desire to make it more sweet.
  3.  Pour the Melon juice into a pitcher or pour directly into glasses with ice cubes & serve .

Now Enjoy Your's Melon Juice....!!!

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